End of Summer Reflections

Summer 2024 is on its way out as we are on the brink of the Fall equinox.  This Summer brought many new faces to our website for a new fabric style as well as to our booths at the Farmers Market and at Colorado Mountain Fair.   My favorite part of Blowfish has always been the connections and people who connect and meet in the wild because of a hat they saw or are wearing.  There is a certain air of happen chance of humans that travel in circles that collide that hats our hats in the wild seems to ignite.  One of the reasons that we love making something unique that doesn't just blend in is these moments of human connection.


We are currently ramping up for Winter inventory.  Please reach out to us if there are hats you are dreaming of and fabrics out of stock you want to see more of.  Happy to bring any fan favorites in.  Or bring in new artwork to give a new vibe to our Art hats line. 



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All hats on sale till 1/27 for Mid Winter Sun Seekers. Sign up for our Newsletter to find out about secret Sales.

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