Job Opportunity, wherever you may be

Happy 2020.  Anyone who came of age during the new Millenium will probably share in my shock that 20 years have now passed.  Alas, though we are lucky to be here sharing in this wild strange world that seems to keep ticking despite all its furor.

Winter is always a delicious time for us to take a step back from the orders of the Summer and think "hmmmm, what can we do differently/better/more sustainabily...." the list goes on.  As we contemplate moves for the coming season I think about more one on one interaction with customers.  I think about broadening out our online sales reach.

I also ponder how we can work with more of a unique system of selling hats.  We would like to help others make money too, not just the ones who own stores or their own businesses, but also those who work in the gig economy or our stay at home parents.     We are contemplating a new program in which we send hats out to you, our beloved customers, for wholesale and you sell them in whatever way you please (markets, to friends, online, etc).  Lets share the love in 2020 and let everyone have a chance to thrive! 

This is something that is still evolving but we are open to suggestions and if you are interested in something like this please reach out to us directly! 

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