Contemplating Growth and staying True

I am not totally sure if the world has sped up warp speed or it's just being an adult, with many roles to play simultaneously in my life, consuming my scope of space and time.  I would imagine a dabble of both.  Taking time to reflect is as important as going forward.

It has been about 10 years since we have taken Blowfish to the next level and began to manufacture our hats in a way where we could create a real offering.  It was never a straight forward one, with moves, and house fixing up, and babies, and other businesses and creative pursuits it always felt like a trajectory of its own.  There was not an intent to grow large, to manufacture abroad, or to up size greatly.  This is partly because the consumption idea behind that wasn't for us.  I knew if we grew a ton then the product would be mass made and frankly, just another thing in the world (a world that I think needs less things, not more).  My passion never laid in the lifestyle that surrounded that idea.   It is an interesting hill to climb though in the culture we live in.


So where are we going and what do we care about as a business?  I want small to make sense.  I want to be able to hold the power enough so that I when I am ready to move on, I will.  When my creative juices stop flowing in this realm, then I want to go forth.  This is not yet the time in my life to move on from Blowfish.  Yet, it is time to clarify who we are and stick that in the sand as a manifesto of sorts.  I want to continue to collaborate with businesses and organizations that are making cool things happen in the world.  I want hand made to matter.  I want our hats to connect people on top of mountains and over seas. 

Showing up with an offering that beats the rest is a hard sell these days.  Trends, money, tik tok videos....there are many things that stand in the way for us.  Yet, we are still here.  I want to still make something that is real, functional, original, playful, and promotes craftiness and adventure.   It may not change a lot with the times but there is something comforting in what has been.

It is important to me to grow and to shift but also the realistic part of that is it takes a lot of resources to make a whole new product, or hire someone to make you look different, new, relevant.  There is always something, or someone else, to compare ourselves to.  Yet, we need to stay on the path we are on with explorations in little ways to keep engaged.  So I try to contemplate little bubbles of inspiration and also stay true to who we are.

What am I contemplating on microscopic levels (give me your feedback!):

-  Small batch apparel.  Using our scrap fabric to create pocket tees.  Flower printing on to vintage clothing for sale at our Summer markets.

-  Sample hat creative session.  Trying out new style hats with different fabric cuts and processes.  These would all be one of a kind and experimental.

-  Continuing to teach.  Getting into the schools and bringing to life projects has built new pathways for me to grow.  Teaching and being present with kids in the fact that we are all creative is a mission that I feel is important for every generation.  I have never considered myself and artist, so to be brought in as one and given the opportunity to work with kids showing them the diverse avenues you can take to make things feels like a huge opportunity. 

- Using what I have.  Scheming up products with my excess materials.  Rope baskets, fabric napkins, patchwork clothing.  There is something about being resourceful that just tickles me.


So that is just a little update.  A small fraction of my vulnerability of my own confusion of being in this world finding our way as a brand and as a real set of humans behind it.  We are so grateful for everyone who supports and sees the ways of life behind the product.  Thanks for being on this ride with us.  Thanks for seeing that sometimes things don't need to change a whole lot, and really that feels kind of comforting. 



Erin & Team

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