Making Trucker hats beyond your fashion borders

Some people ask us why trucker hats?  Did those go out of style?  Are they back in?  Well, you stumped me because I think something is in if you wear it like its "in".  We chose the classic trucker hat because it is breathable, easy to wear, and adds pizazz to any outdoor soiree.  We see our hats on the way to yoga classes, on top mountains, dropping their kids off at school,  running a marathon.   Versatility in a product that costs under $40?  Yes please!  

We also don't use the description 'trucker hat' a lot because we think it is a loaded fashion term with its own baggage.  I believe we are re creating your basic run of the mill, back of the closet, borrowed your moms free hat from the 80's, neon screen printed cheesy beach store hat.   By giving it a hand and stitching on something that is bright, clean, and fun we are saying no to your typical free promo gear foam mesh cap and yes to more individuality!

I like to think we are classing up the trucker hat a bit.  Giving it a fresh look and giving it some personality is what we are after at Blowfish Designs.  Each hat has a personality as each of us has a personality.  It is function with a little bit of fashion, because we really believe in both living in unity.  

Let us know what you think! 

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