Taking care of where we adventure

It is important to us that we are supporting causes that we believe in.  With the power of owning a business comes the power of who we in turn give back to in the process.   Even though we are for sure a small business we think it is important to donate to people and places that need us most.  It is responsible, and more so, it is very important in this age we live in.  Our hats take adventures to far reaching places and visit them, touch them and they in return change who we are.  These places sometimes need our help too.

That is why in the face of one wild ride after another we have made a point to donate monthly to different causes.  This year we have donated a portion of proceeds to NRDC, Aspen T.R.E.E. , Wilderness Workshop, & Waves for Water.  Aspen T.R.E.E. & Wilderness Workshop are based out of Carbondale CO and range from work on educating people on the importance of sustainable food systems to protecting public lands from fracking.

This month I am donating to the islands and victims of the hurricanes this season.  After spending 2 seasons sailing in the BVI's & Virgin Islands I was completely struck by the destruction that occurred there during Hurricane Irma.  Hurricane Maria came rumbling through right after taking out Puerto Rico and other islands in it's path.  These are isolated places and Waves for Water is working to bring clean water systems to the people in need in those places.

I know that making a product can be far from sustainable and that is why I think it is important to donate when we can and make hats for causes that are out there fighting the good fights.  It is the least we can do to stick together and promote more compassion in this world we live.

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