Tired Old Promo Caps

Has anyone ever gone to a thrift store and seen a corner full of tired old promo hats?  I am talking about the kind of hats your dad got from his dentist conference way back when from some teeth whitening brand trying to get his attention or maybe it's your Uncles old exhausted dirty Nascar cap that is like a hat uniform for him every time you see him.

I know you know these hats.  We all do.  These hats sincerely depress over here at Blowfish Designs.  They just seem like wasted space on planet earth.  They seem to be those gifts you get and that decay in the bottom of your closet until they go to a thrift store.

We think of promo products or free swag in a different way here at Blowfish.  We want people to receive something that makes them happy & we want businesses to give something that their pumped on themselves.  A gift is not just a means to an end but it is a grand gesture.  In a time when every one wants your attention to see their logo, name brand, or product first it seems imperative to make something that isn't just another dorky hat.

We can design fabric from any artwork or put your logo on a patch.  Making hats of all kinds is what keeps us going.  Let's collaborate on something unique together that stands out.

Next time you want to show off to your clients, your friends, your customers or maybe want to start off on the right foot at that trade show or conference to those new important people you seek to impress then give us a ring and let's design a hat that won't end up in a thrift store in 2 months but will be worn on adventures near and far.

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Mid Winter Sun Sale 20% off EVERYTHING

All hats on sale till 1/27 for Mid Winter Sun Seekers. Sign up for our Newsletter to find out about secret Sales.

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