What does Summer mean to you?

Summer is such a fantasy, and can also be a doozie if we don't stop to enjoy it!  Remember that old school mentality that Summer is just long days at the lake and endless camping with nothing but free time in sight?

We've been trying to balance the daily duties with the desired free time here at Blowfish Designs this Summer.   I find myself trying to not feel stressed out and overly exerted with the long days, computer time, parenting, and long lists of expectations that this Season can bring.

I have been extra feeling the heat from all these fires in our beloved west and the emotions that come with that and the intensity of these times we are living in.  As we enjoy these woods and this world we walk in may we not take anything for granted.   May we also choose moments of mellowness in these sacred places instead of feeling the stress that getting it all done and doing it all can bring.  Make time to visit them, be in them, play in them, and give back to them by paying attention. 

We make hats...trucker hats, corduroy hats, custom art hats and baby hats because we want to make something practical, affordable and unique for you to appreciate the simpler things in life with style.  Sometimes you find things in life and sometimes those things find you.  Bringing what we do back to what we value is always a priority for us.  We love to hear from you and what you love doing in your hat or stories of where you have taken it.  Sometimes, it is just those small things that keep you going.  

So write us!!  Also, here are some photos that inspire us to always choose freedom, when we can afford to:  


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